Monday, March 1, 2010

Charles Dickens

Find an interesting fact or legend about Charles Dickens and/or his novels. Share this.


shuber said...

An interesting fact I found on Charles Dickens was that, he apparently makes fun of peoples nicknames in books yet he had funny nicknames for his kids.
"Just as some of his most endearing characters had odd nicknames (like Pip in Great Expectations), Dickens gave every one of his ten children nicknames like 'Skittles' and 'Plorn.'"

Anonymous said...

An odd fact that I found out about Charles Dickens was that he had obsessive-compulsive disorder. He would get irritated if his furniture and items around the house were not in the right position according to him, so he would spend time rearranging things in his house until the positioning of everything felt right for him. This included him being preoccupied with everything in his house and in others being neat, and if the place he was in was not tidy, he would have to clean it. He also had to sleep in a bed that was facing north-south because of his obsession with magnetic fields and his belief that it would improve his writing skills. Dickens also felt the need to touch somethings a few times for luck.

mrusso said...

An interesting fact about Charles Dickens is that he suffered from epilepsy. He gave many characters in his books epilepsy, including Oliver Twist's brother. Doctors are amazed at how accurate his descriptions of epilepsy are.

Sasha said...

One interesting fact about Charles Dickins is that he was a firm believer in mesmerism, a ayatem of healing through hypnotism. He practiced it on his hypochondriac wife and his children, and also claimed to have healed many friends and associates

mriposta said...

An interesting fact about Charles Dickens is that he was an egomaniac. Dickens was very conceited and often referred to himself as "the Sparkler of Albion," comparing himself to Shakespeare's nickname, "the Bard of Avon." He thought of himself as one of the best authors of his time and thought very highly of himself.

ctino said...

One of the popular myths held by many about Dicken's was he was paid by the word. This is why many people believe his work is so long. This is false; Dickens was paid by installment.

Emily said...

An interesting fact about Charles Dickens was he was an epileptic. He would have seizures very often when he would write, at the most random times. To relate to his writing, Charles Dickens would give his characters epilepsy. When he described the disease in his books, it was very accurate to how doctors describe it today. Current doctors are shocked because epilepsy was not a common disease, and not very many doctors had an accurate description as to what it was.
Another interesting fact would be his kid's nicknames. Charles Dickens had ten kids, all of which had a very strange and unique nickname. Two of his ten kids was nicknamed "Skittles" and "Plorn". These odd names were given to his children as a joke, and they obviously thought it was funny as well once they got older.

galfieri said...

An interesting fact I found about Charles Dickens is that at the age of ten, Dickens was forced to work at a factory to pay off his fathers debts.Although Dickens himself spoke of this traumatizing experience only twice in his life, critics and readers agree that the two years he spent there forged much of the material for his later novels.

galfieri said...

An interesting fact I found about Charles Dickens is that at the age of ten, Dickens was forced to work at a factory to pay off his fathers debts.Although Dickens himself spoke of this traumatizing experience only twice in his life, critics and readers agree that the two years he spent there forged much of the material for his later novels.

kpersau said...

One of the facts that I found interesting about Dickens's family was that, when his father was imprisoned in debtor's prison, the family came with him. If the situation wasn't as it was, I would say that it was quite hilarious, not in a laugh my head off way, but in the way that the way that it was the simplest thing to do it that hard time, and the way that I imagine it is that they just packed up a suitcase and walked right into the jail. I was surprised about how such a great writer had such a hard and trying life.

ecrespo said...

Something interesting that I found was that Dickens began working in a factory to help free his family from the debtor's prison. All of his work, though, seemed useless when a relative died and left a large sum in her will to the family. Even after the family was freed, Dicken's continued working in the factory.

ajustl said...

heavily involved in amateur theatre. He wrote, directed, and acted in many productions at home with his children and friends, often donating the money raised from ticket sales to those in need" (

pruvane said...

One incredible fact about Charles Dickens is that he created a grand total of nine hundred and eighty nine characters in all of his works. Even with the amount that he wrote, the number is still large and staggering. Dickens has many characters in most if not all of his works. For example, in Great expectations, there are twenty-nine major characters. There was a good reason for how Dickens was able to do this, and I believe it was through contrasts and similarities. In Great Expectations, Orlick is the polar opposite of Joe Gargery. Also Joe has great similarities with Pip, in traits such as compassion and sensitivity. Dickens still managed to create nine hundred and eighty nine individual characters through contrast and similarities.

cswift said...

an interesting fact about charles dickens is what eelphick said, he has obsessive compulsive disorder. one thing he did hundreds of times a day is look in a mirror and comb his hair. Also, he rearranged his furniture and if it wasn't in the right spot be had to re do it. In addition he had to make sure he slept in a bed that was aligned north-south. He was also obsessed with being neat and had to touch certain objects for good luck, sometimes multiple times. I find this interesting because I wasn't expecting this at all.

Emma said...

Reading over all of the interesting facts others have found, a few stuck out.
Charles Dickens had obsessive compulsive disorder and he, according to Erin, "felt the need to touch somethings a few times for luck." Also, his suffering from epilepsy plays a part in his writing and, because of experiencing it, he was able to write about it in grand detail. It's always interesting how writers use what they know best to make things as accurate as they can.

NJacobson said...

One interesting fact I found when researching Charles Dickens' life, I found that when Dickens was a young, his father would take him to his office with him. There, he would make Dickens stand on a tall stool, sing songs, and create stories for the entertainment of his co-workers. I found this extremely interesting because in Dickens' "Great Expectations", he writes that Pip lied to the people about the lady and her house. If he had to make up stories or lie when he was little, then he might have incorporated them into the stories he wrote when he was older.

SBedrosian said...

An intersting fact I found about Charles Dickens is that he worked in a shoe polish factory putting labels on bottles when he was eleven. He was so embarrassed of this that he kept it a secret from his wife and children until he died.

icalo said...

Charles Dickens was Obsessive-Compulsive. Everything had to be perfectly clean and tidy. He looked in the mirror all the time making sure his hair was perfect. He would make sure the furniture in his house was in perfect order and he even made sure other people's houses were tidy.

Celia said...

An interesting fact I found out about Charles Dickens was that he had obsessive-compulsive disorder. With this Dickens constantly staring in the mirror fixing his hair, rearranging furniture, and even made sure that every bed he slept in was aligned north-south. Without everything being in Dickens "perfect" conditions he could not concentrate. This also made Dickens need to touch certain objects three times a day for good luck, and gave him the need to clean his and others houses frequently.

jjahnecke said...

An interesting fact that i found was that Dickens’ father would make him stand upon a tall stool, sing songs, and create stories for the entertainment of other clerks in the office his father worked in.