Monday, March 22, 2010

Persuasive Essay Topic

Use this post to share the topic on which you will be writing your persuasive paper. Why did you choose this topic? What sort of significance does it hold for you?


shuber said...

For my persuasive essay, I will be writing about sort of a random topic. The topic I chose was gay marriage. I chose this topic, at first because I knew how controversial it was and what a huge deal it actually became over the past few years. Then when I started reading into it, I found that it was a great topic to write about because there was so much to touch on.

This topic doesn't hold so much significance for me as it does to other people. I simply stayed with this topic because people have the right to be with whoever they want to be with. Whether that be the same or opposite gender. It wouldn't be following the rights of the people if they weren't allowed to be married.

Anonymous said...

My topic for my persuasive paper will be about animal testing. I chose this topic because I know that it has been a very controversial topic for many years now. I really was not sure what animal testing entailed, but after I did my research I was horrified.

I have to admit that I have loved animals all my life, but after looking into the cruelty of animal testing, I feel more love to all creatures. I have had pets all my life, and seeing what kind of torture animal testers do to innocent companions, must be stopped immediately. By writing about this topic, I hope that it educates more people on animal testing, and at least touches some people to go out and try to stop it.

cswift said...

For my persuasive essay I am going to write about how americans are becoming too dependent on technology. I chose this topic because it has to do with many americans today. Almost all my friends use technology all the time. This includes using websites such as Facebook and Myspace too much and playing games on an itouch too much. This technology can sometimes get in the way of more important things.

I am one of these people who are very dependent on technology. I feel like writing this essay will help me to realize what else I could be doing. Technology even gets in the way of school a lot. Without some technology we could all be much better off. Technology is everywhere and at some point we need to limit ourselves.

MMiller said...

My topic is a very political topic; the health care bill. I am against the health care bill and I think that it will not help Americans. They just passed the bill and it is going to mean a lot of changes for the United States. My family is very much into politics and such. My father almost became a politician, and continues to have that political drive today. Politics intrests me as well, and I wanted to pick a topic that interested me and one where I had a true opinion instead of wavering in between. Also, there is much controversy on this topic with good reasons on both sides.

Emily said...

For my persuasive essay, I chose to write about the New Jersey budget crisis and how it effects the educational system in our state. The state has proposed that they will cut money from the education budget for the state. I am against what they are doing, because cutting a kid's education vs. another optional program for the state will hinder a student's risk at a better future.
Christie would not know what kind of stress parents and students are going through because of the private schools that his kids attend. He should really get a feel for how the parents of public school students feel when he cuts this money from our education budget.

ecrespo said...

One of the topics I am deciding whether to write about or not is also animal testing. This topic was chosen because I believe that it is more acceptable than people make it out to be. I saw that only 7% of all animals tested were not given anestesia or euthanasia while they went through short or long period sof suffering. All other animals were either not in pain or suffering or were treated with anestesia and euthanasia after esting. Most of these animals also only go through momentary or short instances of suffering. It is true that most treatments are gruesome, but the death of a guinea pig is better than the death of a human, which is the alternative form of testing. The latter is unacceptable on many levels, so therefore, animal testing is necessary.

bservodidio said...

The topic that i will be choosing is the issue of human cloning. This topic is very contravesial to many people because a lot of people believe that it is morally wrong, while others think that human cloning will help in scientifical and other purposes.

I chose this topic because i have always been interesed in science, and human cloning sounds extreamly interesting. many problems can arise from human cloning, but i believe that the positives out way the negatives. This topic does not hold very much significance to me personally, but it could greatly effect the lives of other people, and certainly bring about many changes in this world.

mrusso said...

For my essay, I will be writing about the issue of the death penalty. More specifically, how I think that it should be used more often, but it still depends on the crime. Some people think that there is nothing good as a result from the death penalty, and in reality there aren't many good things that directly come from the death penalty, but it causes some very good things to happen in the long run.

ctino said...

For my persuasive essay, I chose a different topic. I am arguing against bullfighting. Most people aren't aware or don't understand the pain in which these animals endure for the entertainment of others. I chose this topic after I had watched a show that portrayed the danger bullfighting entailed. Honestly, I never knew how painful the experience was for bulls, as well as other animals involved in this Spanish tradition, such as horses. There is some controversy in Spanish countries over bullfighting, but the tradition is so embedded in their culture that most are oblivious to the torment of these creatures. After following the story of one of these bulls, I was fully inclined to educate others on this violent tradition.

Sasha said...

The topic i am writing about is abortion. I feel very strongly that it should be outlawed, because although it is a woman's choice, in my opinion it is still killing a life that could have been raised, and loved as a child should be. I chose it because i am adopted, and i think that it is immoral to kill children.
For people who are pro choice, it is understandable, considering that their circumstances might vary, and it might not be possible for them to either keep the baby or put it up for adoption. However, it is still preventing a life, and no matter the circumstances, there will generally be a way for women to handle the care of their child safely and without aborting their fetus.

ajustl said...

My topic for the persuasive assignment will be the war in Iraq and if we (the US) actually should of gone into the war in Iraq or not. I chose this topic because it is (or was) mentioned in the news often in the pasts years. It is relivant in today's society.
The only significance it holds for me is that it is relivant to the current time, and this is something that has happened during my life.

mparker said...

The topic I chose to write about for my persuasive essay was the use of drugs in the medical world. There is not really a reason for the choosing of this topic, besides for the fact that I find it very interesting and that it is a very controversial issue.

This topic does not have that much significance to me as I hope it will when i begin to further research it. For now, I know very little about this topic, and the rules and regulations that will take place if drugs will get the right to be used in the medical world. As I begin to further research this topic I hope to find my opinion get stronger and have more evidence to back it up as well.

EYanowitz said...

The Persuasive essay topic I will be writing about is a specific type of DRM (digital rights management) that would require you to be connected to the internet to listen to music (that you bought) or play computer games (that you bought). This was create as a result of pirating. Such a large percentage of people stole everything they wanted for using their computers, that it made it difficult to make a profit. This DRM, in theory, prevents people from stealing music or games. Every time you try to listen to a new song, or play a new game the program first checks an online database to verify that you purchased your copy of music. So if the music was stolen, you would get denied at verification.

Of course I said in theory, that it because it does not work as intended. Within one day of this new software being released, people had all ready found a way around it and were stealing away again. Yet there are some interesting side effects that occurred. The people that payed for their music, actually got a worse product. A product that intentionally crippled itself to only work where there is internet access. This actually pushed more people to steal music. People that would usually pay for music now had to steal it, just so they could listen to their music on a jog or while somewhere with no internet access. Even though the idea seems indefinitely flawed, almost every video game and music distribution company is in favor of having this DRM. Since I have limited internet in my house, this has a direct effect on me, which is why I would like to write a persuasive essay about it.
(Note that I used fallacies here to make my position look better, I won't use that in my real essay)

kpersau said...

For my persuasive essay, I will be writing about the argument of year-long schooling. This subject appeals to me because of its impact that even regular schooling has. Many students cannot get enough sleep, because they don't have time to complete all their homework. The teachers say that they care about their students and want them to get sleep to feel refreshed and have energy to participate in class. To me, that is extremely contradicting: give a mountain of homework but expect teh students to be prepared to participate in class without falling asleep. The major break, summer, is a time where the students camn recooperate from sleep-deprivation, but if year-long schoolign comes into effect, the students willl never get a good night's sleep.

Rachel P. said...

For my persuasive essay, I will be writing about animal testing. I chose this topic not only because it is a controversial one, but is also something I'm passionate about. This has been a very controversial topic for years, but I had never really known what they did to animals. When I found out I was, as Erin said, horrified.

Being an owner of pets, this topic holds great importance to me. I believe that this has gone on for too long and that people need to be educated about what happens to these innocent creatures.

icalo said...

The topic I will be writing about in my persuasive essay is about why immigration should be legalized. it doesn't really have a significance to me other than the fact of how people treat immigrants and what they call them. People from another country who are looking for a job and for a better life shouldn't be called illegal aliens. They are not from another planet, they are just like us but they don't have the same opportunities. everyone has the right to have a better life, so why can't they have one in our country? everyone should have a good life.

galfieri said...

For my persuasive paper, i am going to write about the topic of abortion. Unlike Sasha, i am going to argue the other side of the topic. I think that women should have the right to choose no matter what the circumstance is. I don't think the government should have the right to decide what is right or wrong for someone who is faced with such a personal decision.
I chose this topic because its something that I find really thought provoking and I feel strongly about it. The topic holds significance for me because I know that if I was put in a situation like this, I would want to have options and the right to make a choice based on what I wanted and what I thought was best for me. Not because the government told me I had to do something. I feel that no matter who we are or what is going on in our lives we should always have the right to choose and follow our own moral compass. That's why this topic seems important to me.

mriposta said...
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Kmichaluk said...

For my persuasive essay i chose to write about how cigarette smoking and tobacco use should be banned. I chose this topic because of all the recent and not so recent findings of how harmful it really is. It may not kill a person right away, but eventually it does. In America I belive that things should be done to protect citizens live's, instead of just keeping harmful products on the market just to make a profit. It holds a significance to me because many family members and friends of mine smoke or haved smoked in their lifetime and it puts their life at risk. If it was banned i believe many lives would be saved, and thats what really matters.

pruvane said...

My persuasive essay will be on whether or not we should hold a military tribunal or a civil court case for the terrorist masterminds behind 9/11. I've sided with those who say the terrorists should be put on a military tribunal, as they are prisoners of war and a public court case where they can advertise their case is just what the terrorists want. At the end World War II, the Nazi commanders where put on an international court case instead of a military tribunal. That was a bad tactic, as some where able to escape and some countries even sympathized with them. I find that this is exactly what may happen if a public court case were to happen instead of the rightful military tribunal. This topic holds meaning to me because I do not want terrorists coming into our country to be asked politely not to attack us again. We have to show them that America is not spineless and will not tolerate an offense like the events at 9/11. Terrorists would love nothing more than to have their cause broad-casted nationwide to all the whack-job anti-americans that dot the country like some Judge Judy TV show. This case is significant to me andI have strong feelings toward.

Emma said...

I chose to write about gay marriage because it is something I have been thinking about lately. Although I have been thinking about gun control as a topic as well, gay marriage seems to be something that means more to me. In government, there is supposed to be a separation of it from religion, or so I believe, but the banning of gay marriage mostly affects the religious people that feel it is against what they believe. Within this, the rights of other people are being mulled by the controversial issue of trying to make everybody happy, a practically impossible task in a country as big and differently opinionated as this.

mriposta said...

I chose to write my persuasive essay on lowering the drinking age. I chose this topic because it has recently become very controversial and I think that lowering it to 18 would be a good idea. When you turn 18, you become an adult and are able to drive, vote, fight for your country, and so on and I think you should be allowed to drink as well. If the drinking age was lowered, kids would not sneak around in order to drink and would therefore be smarter in the decisions that they made.

SBedrosian said...

I chose the death penalty as my persuasive essay topic because i find it intersting. There are so many sides to this topic. All sides have a good point and there is no conclusion that can please everyone. The death penalty is a controversial topic because it directly affects like lives of our citizens. THe main dispute is "should we kill a killer?" This is the main question because despite what the criminal did, they are still human and have the right to life. By utilizing the death penalty, are we taking that right away? But what about the life that the criminal took? That person is not coming back either. This is why the topic is so intriguing. There is no right answer.

SBedrosian said...

I chose the death penalty as my persuasive essay topic because i find it intersting. There are so many sides to this topic. All sides have a good point and there is no conclusion that can please everyone. The death penalty is a controversial topic because it directly affects like lives of our citizens. THe main dispute is "should we kill a killer?" This is the main question because despite what the criminal did, they are still human and have the right to life. By utilizing the death penalty, are we taking that right away? But what about the life that the criminal took? That person is not coming back either. This is why the topic is so intriguing. There is no right answer.

Celia said...

The topic I will be writing my persuasive essay on is the driving laws. I choose this law because a lot of people I know are currently getting their licenses and permits, and in only a year and a half I will get my permit. When I get my license, I am gonna need to drive my self to swim practice everynight, drive my sister places, run errands for my mom, and whatever extra driving I need to do for my self. The more regulations they put on it makes it harder for teens to get their licenses now. It also makes it more dangerous since people can now tell which car has a 17 year old driving with only 1 other person, and that is shown for anyone to see. It also is dangerous cause instead of one car with bad driving teens, there will be alot more since there can only be one extra person, which is now gonna include family members.

jjahnecke said...

For my persuasive essay, I will be writing on deforestation within the amazon. I chose this topic because I think that this issue is becoming more and more problematic since it contributes to global warming, less biodiversity, and less raw materials. Although in the long run it is going to take several years to have a big impact on the world, I believe that is time to raise awareness on the fact that this issue may cause to the destruction of our planet.

The topic seems to be very controversial because some argue that it is necessary to cut down forest in order to build homes, and use the wood as material. Even though it may be necessary it stills doesn't come up with an alternative because eventually deforestation will come to an end because there wont be any forests to cut down.