Monday, September 21, 2009


“Most Dangerous Game” is considered a suspense story. Humans have always loved suspense; there are also many individuals that enjoy the horror genre. In the last twenty years or so, production of horror movies has increased 300-400%.

Why do you think people are attracted to horror films/stories? Why do people intentionally get themselves scared? Why do you think they are on the rise?


SBedrosian said...

People are attracted to suspense and horror because it is not always the movie itself that is enjoyable but the relief at the end is usually worth waiting for and enduring the terror. A horror movie can sometimes be like a thrill ride. When your on a roller coaster you get a thrilling sensation. It is a certain high that some people enjoy. Just like some people like being scared. They like the unhappiness throughout the movie or story and they sit through it for the relief at the end. Intentionally getting scared is a way get a thrill. But it is also one of those things that some people love and some people hate. Just like roller coasters. Horror movies are specifically popular because sometimes they are based on a true story. This gives the viewer the thrilling, exciting side of the horror film rather than the awful tragedy that would be portrayed on the news.

Kmichaluk said...

Horror films and stories are so popular because it keeps the movie watcher or reader on the edge of their seat. In a good movie/novel there would be tons of suspense. Whereas any other genre is made up of different techniques to result in different emotions. Sometimes teenagers will watch scary movies in groups not just because they like the feeling of being scared but because it can be amusing and funny to see how some people react to things like pop-outs. So occasionally horror movies end up being a mixture of both fear and laughter. I think that these kind of movies have been on the rise lately because of such an advance in technology. If you watch an old horror movie and compare it to a newer one you can see a great difference. Everything is more realistic and effects are much more believable. It's much more enjoyable to watch a movie that makes you feel like it could actually be happening.

ajustl said...

In this day and age people are always looking for a new thrill, whether it be by the steel mountains of a roller coaster, the sure speed of a race car, the thrill of a haunted house, or the scare you get from a horror movie. The body's natural reaction to all of these is to release adrenaline that boosts your senses and gives you quite a sensational feeling.This, like most things, is not for everyone though some people can't stand it and do not enjoy being scared for the rush of it.As for me, yes i thuroughly enjoy having my pants scared off for the sake of fun and the rush it gives you.

Emily said...

People are attracted to horror films because they're suspenseful and suprising. You never know whats coming next, and people enjoy the scare and the goosebumps that trickle down your arm. People enjoy the scare because its fun and out of the blue. Nobody knows the scare you get unless you watch a horror film.
Horror films are on the rise because intimidating plots are being thought of, along with scary ideas. In addition, people love the thrill of being scared by these movies. Its similar to a roller coaster. Why do people get so amused by shooting down a giant hill with only a seat belt keeping you from falling out? It's just the way people are born. If you enjoy these movies, you must enjoy the thrill of a roller coaster.

EYanowitz said...

- Horror films have steadily been increasing throughout the years. Although their production has nearly quadrupled, their popularity has remained steady. The increased amount of horror films is more so the result of increased production values for a popular genre such as horror. Though why is horror one of the most popular genres? The answer is twofold. For one part people enjoy the thrill of being scared, while maintaining control. The sensation of terror provides a rush for most, but people also don’t want it to last too long. This is why horror films and stories are the ultimate form of media. One has the opportunity to experience the thrill of being terrified, but then you can walk away when it is over, leaving the fear in your wake.
- The second explanation of the popularity derived from horror films occurs when multiple friends experience a film together. When this instance occurs the whole aspect of a horror film is turned on its head. It becomes more of a comedic experience than a scary one. The group poke fun at what the developers think is scary, and also what the audience reacts to. Meanwhile each individual holds steadfast in their attempts to appear calm and unaffected by the movie. This mixture of humor and competition is the perfect balance to make going to a horror film with a group an appealing experience.

DCamacho said...

In my opinion, people enjoy horror and suspense because they enjoy the thrill it gives you. I know when I'm watching a horror/suspense movie I love how it makes me feel all jumpy and nervous. I also think people enjoy this genera because it allows them to explore ideas in there mind. For example if you are watching a horror/suspense film about a murder trying to kill somebody your mind will be contently thinking thoughts like (will billy get away or will the murderer come out of the bushes and kill him). Movies and other pieces of literature keep your mind contently guessing and coming up with new hypothesis on how the story will end.

CConklin said...

Horror films have become more and more popular everyday, and with new technology, they have become even more realistic as well. However, some people may wonder why someone would enjoy something that scares them. The answer is simple. In many other movies, books, or tv shows, it's easy to relate to the character's problems or situation, but that's not always the case when it comes to horror. It's not everyday that you're attacked by a shark like in the movie "Jaws" or the last person alive in new york city as in the movie "I Am Legend". When people watch a horror film like that, they expierence something new and thrilling. It's easy to see why people enjoy horror, and with out it, it'd be difficult for many people to explore one of their easiest emotions, fear.

mrusso said...

I think that some people are drawn to horror movies because some people just have a slightly darker side (kind of like Jekyll and Hyde). They don't want to see it happen from the news like sbedrosian said. Instead, they explore their less friendly side through a good horror movie, seeing someone made up, or based on a true story, get hurt or haunted, without it being 100% real.

I also agree with Andy some people love horror moives, haunted houses, and roller coasters. People are drawn to the jaw-dropping speed and height of roller coasters, and the spine-chilling moments of horror movies because it's just how some people are. You can't explain why people like horror movies, or don't, just like you can't explain why some people like sports, and others don't.

Anonymous said...

People love horror films/stories because of all the thrill and suspense involved. When you watch a scary movie you never get bored due to the intensity of the film. Books that are in this genre are hard to put down because you always want to know what will happen next. They have elements of surprise that you love and that keeps you hooked until the end.
I think that people like horror when they are reading a book or watching a movie because they are not experiencing the terror that the characters are. I'm sure that if anyone was placed in a situation similar to one in a horror film, that they wouldn't enjoy it the same way they would if they were watching it as a movie. For example, when we watch something at home, we are watching it second-hand and not really feeling the true fear that we would feel if we were actually on the scene. People enjoy watching things out of the ordinary happen to other people as long as they remain unharmed. It seems strange to say that we like to see others in dangerous situations, but like Mike Russo said, maybe it is our darker side coming out.

Rachel P. said...

There are many different reasons people are attracted to horror films. Some people like them because they are so different from our day to day lives. We -thankfully- don't have to deal with problems like we see in horror movies. When we watch scary movies we can at least say, "Well thank god i'm not that guy!". Moreover, people like them because they are exciting. They keep us biting our nails and on the edge of our seats. You'll never be bored in a horror movie! They are usually surprising and suspenseful. They can also be really ridiculous which is entertaining, but in a different way. In my opinion, it all has to do with taste. Some people love horror movies and find them very entertaining while others just don't.

Sasha said...

When someone watchs a horror film, they watch it because of the adrenaline rush that you get. People overall are attracted to the natural high one gets when they board a roller coaster or watch someone being chased by an ax murderer in a film. They like the suspense, the gore, and the "what-if factor". You can't help but compare it to your own life, like "what if this happened to me? Would i do the same thing? What would i have done if a masked stranger intent on torturing me was following me around my house??". The thrill and the suspense keep people waiting on the edge of their seats, not wanting to miss a moment. And also like rachel said, Some people also watch and compare to their own life, being happy that real life is not really like that for most of the world we know, except for things we sometimes hear on the news. But overall we love the rush it gives us, and since the general population are adrenaline junkies (like i am), we watch for the feeling of cold hard fear that only a horror movie can produce for us.

shuber said...
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shuber said...

People are attracted to the horror genre because it just entertains them. Many people, including myself, love to watch horror movies because it gives you a suspense feeling and it makes you feel scared. Some tend to enjoy that scared feeling. Just like SBedrosian said about the roller coaster example. It gives you a thrilling sensation. We tend to intentionally get ourselves scared because we want to. It's not that we are forced to, it's that we have a desire to be scared at times and we like it. As the number of horror movie lovers increase, so does the number of horror films. Producers don't want people to get bored, they want to keep giving them what they want, more thrilling and scary movies.

cswift said...

People love horror films/stories because it shows you an emotion that you don't always get to feel. It gives you the emotion without actually being there or having to have to deal with the thrill for a long period of time. it gives you a chance to experience something from someone's else's point of view. Some people love this feeling and other's don't for all different reasons. Some people love this because of the feeling at the end that it was all fake and now your relaxed. In addition, some people hate horror movies because it scares then for more then that period of time watching the movie.
I love horror movies because it can get my mind off of everything and makes me really focus on what is going on in the movie. People intentionally get themselves scared because of how it makes you feel before the movie, during the movie, and after the movie. Lastly, I believe that horror movies are on the rise because now they are more advanced and exciting then they were in the past. These movies can make you feel like you're there and by the end of the movie you are relieved to not actually be in it. These movies do not leave you bored and wanting the movie to end, it makes you excited and always wondering what is going to happen next.

mparker said...

Lately, horror movies have been becoming more and more popular. There is always some sort of horror movie in theaters, and they always get many views. For me, I love the feeling of suspense you get during a horror movie. I love that during a good horror movie, I get really into them and they are exciting. Horror movies keep me hooked, from the first fifteen minutes to until the end. I also think its fun to scare myself even if the movie involves an unrealistic plot. People are attracted to horror movies because they are exciting. They add excitement to a boring everyday life. I think people love the end of horror movies, because relief comes across them; when people can let go of their clenched fists is one of the best parts. Horror movies can also be viewed positive by looking at it like the horrible things that happen to people in horror movies make us feel better because we know that something like that won’t happen to us. Now and days, horror movies are becoming more popular, probably because they are much better quality. Like Claire said, horror movies have gotten better and better, she brought up the movie Jaws. If you went to watch a recent horror movie and then watched jaws its unbelievable the improvement that has taken place. For me, I love horror movies and watch them all the time.

kpersau said...

I agree with ajustl. People go to movies to be thrilled and excited. Movies and rollercoasters are ways to get your adrenaline pumping and have a great time. Horror movies are designed to get you to feel real fear, even though you aren't in a danger. This is the effect producers want their movies to have on you, and if you're brave enough, you come back to see more of their work.
SBedrosian also has a good point. Some people just enjoy being scared, just to see a story play itself out and see the end. These kinds of people like the feeling that they get when they get scared or drop 3 stories straight down on a rollercoaster. You're waiting for the end to come, but you also want the suspense and jumps that come from watching a horror film.

NJacobson said...

Horror films and stories have become extremely popular amongst people. They have become popular because people enjoy the adrenaline running through their body during the movie or story. During a horror film, people are on the edge of their seats the whole movie, waiting for the next scary moment that lies ahead. They do not relax until the end, when they know the problem is most likely resolved. Some people enjoy this sensation, just like someone might enjoy the sensation of sky-diving. The same concept applies to a horror story. The author writes the story so that the audience is not able to put the story down and they just keep reading and reading. By the end, again, the conflict is usually solved. I believe the viewer or reader feels somewhat accomplished by the end of the movie or story because they have endured it. It could bring on a feeling of pride, in a sense that somebody might go around saying,"I just watched the scariest movie and I didn't even have to leave the theater."

galfieri said...

I think people are attracted to horror and suspense movies because they have the ability to give you this rush of adrenaline when watching. These kinds of movies are just plain fun to watch. I find that when I watch horror movies it is more enjoyable to watch with other people than by myself because it is more fun when you can experience the thrill together. People intentionally get themselves scared because it is away to escape into problems that are not their own. You get caught up in the horror and thrill of the characters in the movie which is so much better than experiencing it yourself. Some people just enjoy getting scared and feeling that rush. I think horror movies are on the rise because they are exciting and fresh and take the viewer outside the realms of modern day problems that we face today.

MMiller said...

Horror movies are becoming very popular as more and more people go to see them. Horror has always been a popular genre, but now it is getting even more popular. I think that people are attracted to horror, because it gives them a thrill and it is fun. Also It makes you feel better that you are not the one who is getting attacked/ scared. The Most Dangerous Game gives you that adrenaline rush that so many people adore. Getting scared is not something that you expect. It comes randomly and when you least expect it. Also, like Kmichaluk said, watching horror movies are very entertaining, especially when you are in a group and you see what other people's reactions are. Horror films are not only just movies that people enjoy watching. They have become so popular, that they have becomne an important factor for us. They give us something to think about. Like what if someone could really see the dead, or what if someone's watching me? Horror films are getting very popular, and I love them as so many other people do.

ecrespo said...

People enjoy scaring themselves by watching/ reading a book or movie because it gets the movie watcher on the edge of their seat, anticipatong what will happen next. They don't know if their favorite character will survive or will be killed by the antagonist. It's like what ajustl said when he talked about scary things releasing adrenaline that pumps you up and pushes you farther into the story almost seeming as though your in the movie running from the horrors that chase you.

Celia said...

Horror films have been becoming more and more popular over the last couple of years because of the thrill. Some people like to have their heart race when the character is in a dangerous situtation. Another reason people like it is because they want to see how brave they are. Some people want to seem tough so they will make themselves see some of the scariest movies just to be able to say they saw them. Alot of people do not want to seem like a chicken so a good way to prove it is by watching a scary movie. The last reason people like horror films is because it lets them experience things they would not normally feel in real life. On a day to day basis normal people don't get hunted down by monsters or murderers so when they watch a movie they get to experience it in their lives.