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I think that there is always conflict between younger and older generations because the younger generations tend to forget that the older generations are usually wiser. The youth needs to question the belief-systems and values of the mature because they don't always realize that the older generations have been in their situations before, and have made the same sort of decisions. The younger generations do not always accept the fact that the older generations have been where they are and have learned from their mistakes as a younger person. Today, youth also questions the older generations values and belief-systems because they underestimate the knowledge of the mature because of the technology barrier. Teenagers tend to only go by other younger peoples advice on technology, because they figure that the older generations do not have much experience with it, so they will not be much help. I do think that this is the case most of the time because younger people are often naive and forget that older people have been in their place before, and may have solutions that will fix their problems. Teenagers just do not think that their older generations can help most of the time because they are not very exposed to the modern world.
There is usually conflict between different generations. This is because different generations grew up in different times which makes them have different views on things. For example, I use technology all the time and it is a big part of my life. However, my great aunt absolutely hates technology that wasn't around when she was younger. My parents use technology, but not as much. So I disagree with my great aunt and sometimes my parents on whether we should use the computer to buy tickets or something. They want to call them and get tickets. Another thing that seperateds different generations is the fact that younger generations think that they know everything and ignore the fact that the older generations have experienced more throughout life and know more things then the younger generation. So the different generations can have disagreements because of when they grew up, and the lack of knowlege versus the experience of life.
When you are younger, you always want to find things out for yourself. This is what makes you stronger and wiser. Even if you know someone else is right, sometimes you want to do something different just to learn something new. This is why there is always conflict because younger and older generations because the older generations think that it's best to shower the younger generations exactly what's right when really they should just let them figure out the hard way if they want to.
The youth needs to question the belief-systems and values of the mature because sometimes there is something more to what is already right. Maybe there is something that the older generation knows is right but maybe there is something the younger generation thinks will improve this idea. The younger generations are the future and they need to learn just like the older generations once did. Most of the time, the younger generations will be wrong and end up accepting what was meant to be before but it is good to make mistakes sometimes.
For example, my parents and I always fight on how I like to go out and spend money on the movies, lunch etc over the weekend. They tell me that when I get older it's going to be a problem and I shouldn't need to spend that much money if I can find something else to do that doesn't involve spending money all the time. I know that they are right, but I still do it because I just want to have fun. Eventually, I will listen to my parents but this is just something we always fight on.
I believe there is always a conflict between generations because of the older generation. Although i hate to admit it, parents have more experience in the world, and probably know what it best. They have been in all the situations that we are in now, and they just want us to handle these situations well. But, what parents don't know is that the kids want to be out, like the parents soon forget about. And as generations go by, the discipline, and other tradition rules of the family are slipping away.
The youth needs to question the older generations or parents because the youth think they know what is right, and its really just what they want. Parents see this as talking back, and everyone gets mad. Most of the times the kids usually accept what the parents say, and just move on.
I believe that when the younger generation is raised by the elder, there is bound to be some form of conflict, due to the nature of the youth. The youth, when they are growing up, don't always realize that their elders have experienced life and are, to some degree, wiser. They know that some of the little things that the youth tend to sweat over are generally not things that will be affecting them when they are older. also, their environment growing up is totally different. Now, the youth have grown up using computers and cell phones, and its second nature to them. To the older generations, they can actually remember a time when computers didnt exist, and many are still trying to figure out how to work cell phones and blackberrys. What might also add to the conflict is that they youth tend to question everything that the older generations do, simply because they feel the naive need to be right constantly. They also might not like that they have someone who is constantly lecturing them on their behavior and feelings. They realize the lesson, and do not want it to be held over them constantly.
No matter what, there always seems to be some sort of conflict between younger and older generations. I believe this comes from the societies we were raised in. We have been taught mostly to do everything first hand, because that is the easiest way to believe things and so we can teach ourselves our own lessons.
When the generations have disputes, even when the younger generations eventually agree with the older ones after time, I believe it is mostly because of this self teaching society. I also think the younger generation tends to forget that the older generation is most definitely wiser and more intelligent in the things they believe.
Also, as technology is changing the world, and generations have drastically changed from ones many before them, I think the younger generations are stubborn to accept the value systems and believes because we are exposed to more at a younger age. Many things have changed the way younger generations are effected, but as time goes on most generations fall onto their elders as someone to look up to and an example to follow.
I also believe that the conflict between the children and their parents is usually caused by the difference of their generations. Although that may be true the parents of these children have experienced the same things that their children are going through and that is why parents try to protect their children from making the same mistakes.
Although that might be the case the children don't realize that until they hit a certain age of maturity, because to them they are always right and always try to get what they want. Therefore children usually learn through their own mistakes although parents try so hard to avoid this.
Another major issue is that children especially in their teenage years tend to listen more to people of their own age other then their own parents. For example if they see someone doing drugs their age they might think its cool although they parents try to warn them about it.
Younger generations and older generations don't always agree on everything.The case could be that the youth need to questions the belief-system of the mature, but sometimes that isn't the reason. Sometimes younger generations think that they know more than the older generation and they think that their parents don't understand their lives.The youth sometimes think that they have more street smart than their parents, what they don't understand is that their parents were once teenagers. When parents set curfews and say who their son or daughter can hang out with, the kids always think it is unfair. What the child doesn't know is that their aren't are trying to look after them and teach them responsibility so when they get older they know how to live their life. It don't think the youth argues against the values of the mature just because they want to pick a fight, but because they don't understand the reasoning behind the rules.
The main reason younger genearations tend to think they are smarter than older generations is because they are more in tune with the latest technology. And while this is a big thing in many people's lives, teens and younger people believe it is most important and forget about bigger things. Older generations have been alive longer and therefore know what is meaningful in life and know how different types of situations work out. If younger generation s would listen to older people's ideas and beliefs, they might not argue and regret the arguing because chances are they will have the same beliefs when they are older.
I believe that throughout time, there has always been a constant, on going conflict between younger and older generations. As eelphick commented, one of the major reasons of this conflicts was the differences in technology. The younger generations believe they have an advantage over the older ones because of the newer technology present. Younger generations view themselves as smarter since they can often work the technology with greater ease than the older.
In addition, as discussed in class, there are different experiences. The older generations often lived with different values and ideals than younger generations, which influences their experiences. Parents often catch themselves saying, "When I was a kid..." They didn't live with the same technology or ideas the youth are, which builds a barrier. The differing generations aren't able to understand the other side since they didn't live with the same principles.
I believe this question as a whole depends on the society in which you use as an example. In some societies younger individuals would never dare speak out against an elder. In the United States, this is not the case. The United States was built on defiance and the questioning of authority firgures. The revolutionary war was all based on defiance of what people did not feel was just. From the child's point of veiw the elder looks more like a dictator. Children do not have a say in the rules or beliefs they have to follow. By the idealology of American society, this would require a rebellion of some sort. The constitution even states that the people can overthrow a tyrannical government. If one looks at elders as a government, and the younger people as the citizens, then the people must rebel, for there is an unjust government in place. Most children accept the belief systems because they either realize the logic in it and stop arguing it, or they realize that even when they create a much more logical and strong argument against the belief than their elder, the elder will ignor the childs input, so the child gives up. The whole conflict is illogical because if it was a logical conflict, the one with the strongest argument would ultimately win. But in the case of this conflict, its more of a brutish war. Whoever falls into submission first loses. Elders use punishments in order to make the child subit to their ideals. The child, on the other hand, has no such armaments to make their opponent crumbel. Therefore they must use logic, and hope the elder realizes their logic is flawed.
I think that there is always conflict between younger and older generations because younger generations can be very stubborn and think that they're right since they're living in the modern time, and don't realize how wise their elders are. Youth don't want to admit they are wrong; it's just human nature. It takes a while for them to mature and be open to what their elders tell them and realize that they are right. Younger people need to question the values of the mature because they think that they are right and don't accept what older people say until their ways fail. Teenagers and young adults are rebellious and don't want to accept what older people try to tell them because they are stubborn and want to be right all the time. It's like when you are very young: you don't believe what your parents or siblings tell you until you try it for yourself.
The constant conflict between older and younger generations is a universal constant. The best way to understand why this conflict is so universally seen is to understand why all conflicts occur. A conflict will usually be created when there is a difference in ideas between two groups that are forced to live in close proximity of one another. This latter cause is unavoidable between the young and the old. In order for humanity to continue, adults must have children and they must raise the children they have. This forces the young and the old to be around each other. Furthermore, everyone has a specific age. Because it is so difficult to share someone else's age exactly, there are almost no places one can go without encountering someone either younger or older than they are.
The reason, then, that there is a difference of opinion between the young and the old is simply because their is an age difference between the young and the old. Each group was raised at a different time, and the different ways they were raised makes them both have a different outlook on the world. As the age gap between the two grows, their outlook on the world grows apart. Everyone knows why the Israelis and the Pakistanis fight. They are close to each other and they have radically different opinions. The same holds true for the young and the old, just in a slightly different form. The young and the old live much closer to each other, often in the same home. This increases the amounts of conflicts. However their opinions aren't too different from one another. Even though the young see the world in a different way, they are also heavily influenced by the opinions of the old. This helps keep the level of conflicts low.
I believe that there is always a conflict between the younger and older generations. The younger generation is unmature, and will think that hte older generation is bossy and their rules are unfair. The older generation will find the younger generation unresponsible, and get annoyed when they feel they are superior for their choirs and jobs. The younger generation won't understand that the older generation has alot more knowledge and has experienced alot more then they have. This difference will cause a conflict until the younger generation matures. There necessarily isn't a conflict in religious beliefs and values. Children are taught from a young age what to believe, and they will become programed to follow those beliefs till they move out of the house and experience life on their own.
Sometimes, I begin to believe it is simply because of how the younger generation are set up to think parents have old ideas that are meant to lock them down into a prison-style lifestyle that does not allow fun. Although this may be possible, it is also the way parents come across to children.
Everybody becomes impatient or angry in a way so that their emotion blurs rational thought, so that when parents try to get across the message that they want the best for their kids, it comes across as "get up of the couch and get to work!" instead of "it is unhealthy to sit for so long, and you will be unhappy about it later. would you like to come and help me do some chores?" Misunderstanding can create a barrier that allows anger and tension to form between the generations.
Also, parents are the one group of people with the power of control over us and spend enough time with us for it to matter. Us kids depend completely upon them for survival and they can yell and shout and argue, and no matter how much we dislike spending time with them sometimes, we have no choice. We do not have the freedom yet to live on our own.
I believe that there will always be conflict between younger and older generations because when people grow up in different generations it's almost like they're growing up in different cultures. And although you could have grown up in the same physical place as someone else did, it could be a completely different social environment in a different time period. It has been proven that the environment a person grows up in affects the person they become. So therefore there is automatically going to be differences between people of different generations, and the person of the older generation may feel like they know more because they have been around longer, yet the person of the younger generation may believe that they know more because they are more updated with new technology and more recent ideas.
I think that youths question the belief-systems and values of the mature for that reason. Because technology advances so quickly and because new things are discovered so quickly now they believe that this generation is "smarter" than older generations. That goes along with the idea that teenagers always think they're right.
There is conflict between generations because the younger generations ususally do not have the experience that the older ones have, or things have changed since the older generations experienced them. For example, children question what their parents tell them simply because they have not experienced something themselves. However, the older generation may not be up to date with how they see the world because of new technology. Usually, when the younger generation is wrong, it is because of lack of experience, and when the older generation is wrong, it is because of a lack of knowledge of current events.
JI think conflicts between older and young generations is natural, because the younger generation is always too stubborn to listen or change their views about anything in life. If a younger person is not told early on about something, then they will believe something else is true, and they will not easliy change their ideas. The older generations are wiser and more knowledgable, but the younger people don't realize tha an d disobey them because of preconcieved notions.
I believe there tends to be conflict between the younger and older generations because of maturity level. Younger generations don't understand the reasoning behind the older generations decisions. Thing like curfew bother kids because they don't like the idea of having to be home by a certain time. They always want to stay out till whenever they want. However, parents set curfews to protect their kids and know they are safe.
The younger generation question the older generation also just so they can prove that they are not wrong. They don't want to accept the fact that the older generations know more and are wiser about certain things the younger generation.
I think that children and teenagers are just too focused with themselves at certain ages that they don't really understand why their parents or other elders want to interfere with their lives and give them limits and such.
There are ususally conflcts between older and younger generations because the young people do not respect or relate tothe older generation. The older generation does not understand the younger generations reasoning. Technology also plays a large role in this because a lot of the time, the older generations are against or unfamiliar with today's technology. They do not believe in using it and therefore do not understand their children's or grandchildren's need for the technology. The youth often forget that despite the amount of information that is accessable to us, our elders are still wiser and know more. Even though the ways of communication have changed, the problems and events that today's youth are going through, are a modernized version of what happned in our elder's lives. They stll know what is best even though our belief systems may be different.
I think that no matter what country you are in, there will always be conflict between older and younger generations. It has partly to do with the generation that we are living in, for instance parents don't completely understand the need to be constantly texting or Facebooking friends, because they did not grow up with these privilages.
I think that youth needs to question the belief-systems and values of the more mature because we are simply not as mature. I think that until someone learns a lesson for themselves, they will never truely believe in it. For example, if a parent says not to stay up all night and you do it anyway, and they end up being right, that is when you will start to believe the parent more, because you realize that they have taught you something, and they really do know more than you do.
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