Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Responsibility and Knowledge

When we discussed plagiarism, we discussed the fact that we can be responsible for knowledge we don’t have. For example, we are responsible for knowing the speed limit; and we’re responsible for understanding what plagiarism is – these responsibilities are now realities, independent of whether or not we know the speed limit or the rules of plagiarism.

What are some other things we are responsible to know, independent of whether we know them or not?


MMiller said...

Being responsible is one of the many characteristics that is admired in a person. However, it is hard to become a truely responsible person. There are many types of responsibility, and you have to master them all. Also responsibility requires a lot of hard work and dedication. You always have to be trustworthy. Lastly, there should be more responsibility in the world. A lot of people, even adults that take the easy way out, and it shouldn't be like that.
Responsiblity isn't only doing things on time. That is a small part of it. The hard part of responsibility is being responsible for what you don't know. You have to be aware of all the things going on around you, and be logical. If you're on a small road by farmland, you won't be driving seventy miles per hour. Common sence is a factor in being responsible. Also you can't blame someone or something else if you did something wrong. You need to be responsible, and admit to your mistakes.
Responsibility isn't something that you can learn overnight. Some people spend their whole lives trying to be responsible. You have to keep working at it and perfecting it. There are a lot of aspects to responsible, and they are varied with no two that are alike.
There should be a lot more responsible people in the world. I am trying to get there, but the journey isn't easy. I know it will be tough, but being responsible is not easy, but if you work hard, you will be rewarded.

mrusso said...

Besides knowing what plagiarism is, we are responsible for knowing about laws, such as the speed limit. Also, a murderer can't say that he/she should not go to jail because he/she didn't know that killing was against the law. Even if they truly didn't know, it is something that you are supposed to know. A few years ago, a woman sued McDoanlds for a lot of money because the employee at the drive-thru window didn't tell her that her coffee will be hot. She ending up winning because the only warning she got was on the cup and was deemed to small and insufficient. I don't agree that this woman should have won because the fact that coffee is hot is known by everyone, or should be. These things need to be known by everyone in this day and age, whether to prevent an accident, or something worse.

ctino said...

Responsibility is an extremely important skill that everyone should acquire. It requires a lot of hard work in order to be considered a responsible person. You must complete activities when expected and complete activities to the best of your abilities. But responsibility is not just actions, it is also having knowledge. Your are responsible for knowing a multitude of different things such a not to plagiarize and what plagiarism is exactly. You should also be responsible for your own actions.

In addition, there is knowledge that you are responsible to know whether you do know it or not. For example, you are required to know the law. You are required to know the homework in some cases when absent. You are required to know the due dates of assignments and the rules of behavior in school. There are tons of other examples to justify this idea. In conclusion, responsibility is an essential element in life. Your should aim to be responsible and be responsible for all things needed to be known; whether known or not.

ecrespo said...

Responsibility in life is one of the key attributes that everyone looks for. Withut responsibility, you could either not get good grades, not get a job, or even get fired from a job. Being responsible is also being responsible for things that you don't know but is common knowledge and should be known. Like mrusso said, one of those things is the law. If you don't know the law just because you're oblivious, or because you just choose not to find out what the law is, you are still responsible for following the law. Some things are just inexcusable and you need to be responsible for your actions.
Responsible human beings are looke dfor and admired as leaders of todays world. As you become responsible it makes you more respected.

shuber said...

Responsibility is something everyone needs to make sure they control. It is a very important factor in one’s life, especially mine. Everyone is responsible for something, whether it be cleaning your room, or taking care of something, or even keeping a secret, responsibilities are always going to be there.
There are certain things we always need to keep in mind as we go through life. Our responsibilities consist of knowing and obeying the laws. As well as being truthful and trustworthy.
Everyone has responsibilities, and everyone needs to recognize them.

kpersau said...

Responsibility is an important factor in all of our lives and should not be thrown aside. I read mrusso’s response and agree that the shear obviousness that coffee is hot is a horrible thing to sue a McDonald’s for. That woman should be responsible enough to know the little and obvious things in life, such as if at Dunkin’ Donuts coffee is served hot then it probably will be at McDonald’s too. I don’t think that McDonald’s was at fault at all in this. They were probably following FDA rules saying that here should be a warning on their cup, with the smallest allowable font being whatever.
It was this woman’s responsibility to know the small but significant things in the world. In 2002, CBS gave us this number as to how many Americans drank coffee, “More than 50 percent of Americans drink coffee everyday — three to four cups each, more than 330 million cups a day and counting” (cbsnews.com). It has been seven years since the article containing this quote was written, and I bet that more than 50% of our population drinks coffee by now. If that great an amount of people know that coffee is hot subconsciously, then this one woman should have known that coffee is hot if she was thinking about it.

SBedrosian said...

We are responsible for knowing that if we litter we will have to pay the fine of $500. There is no excuse for not knowing the law. If we break in to someone's house or break the law in any way we must pay the consequences. On a smaller scale, if we are not at school we are responsible for getting all of the work and information that we missed. We are responsible for handing things in on time and getting all of our work done. If an answer on a test is wrong because the directions were not followed, it is our responsibility to take the bad test grade. You can no blame other people for your wrong doing. Your grades, your speeding tickets, your littering fines are all yours whether you knew of the wrong doing it not it is still your responsibility.

ablanc said...

Responsibility is something that only some people have completely mastered, but it is a useful trait for everyone to have. There are many things that people are simply expected to know. For example, laws. Laws like not stealing are pretty obvious, and if you are caught doing them, you have absolutely no excuse to not have known that this was illegal. Also, if you commit murder, you can't simply tell the cops that you didn't know it was illegal. They would probably just laugh at you.

Other things, like plagerizing a paper or cheating on a test, we are responsible to know as Being responsible by knowing things like this also has to do with common sense. It's common knowledge not to cheat or plagerize, and therefore you are just expected to know not to do them.

cswift said...

We are responsible for many things in life. Responsibility is a big part of everyone and without it you will not get far. Without responsibility people would do whatever they want and do things they would regret. Everyone is responsible for their own actions if you do something you know is wrong you will probably get punished for it depending on what you did. Everyone should listen to what they think is right and not follow others if they know it is wrong.

We are all responsible for little things as well as big things. Everyone is responsible for growing up and going to school. Also, people are responsible for getting their own jobs and making friends. Responsibility is up to you but if you are lazy, nothing good will come. We are all responsible for getting good grades but if you don't study and try your best you will probably not be happy in the future. If everyone tries to be responsible you will be able to get what you need in life.

Anonymous said...

Responsibility is something that everyone learns as they grow up. When you were little, you probably did many things that were wrong, but your parents took the blame for them all because you did not know that what you were doing was wrong. Now that we are all older, we should know right from wrong. We are responsible for knowing things like giving drugs or alcohol to a minor. We all know that this is wrong, so if you get caught, then you will have no excuse. We all know that stealing is wrong, so if you get caught leaving a store with an unpaid item hidden in your jacket, you cannot use the excuse that you were going to pay but you forgot or you thought it was free. These are common sense things. Rules are made for a reason. The reason is to make our everyday lives run smoothly and there are less accidents or problems in our community. When you break a law or a rule, you are really just hurting yourself because they were made to help you.

galfieri said...

As human beings we are responsible to know how to treat and act towards others. It is a given that you are supposed to act towards people with respect and kindness. But sometimes whether we loose control of our emotions or loose our tempers sometimes we forget about our responsibilities and treat people in ways that we ourselves would never like to be treated. It seems like such an easy concept, but sometimes we just simply treat people in bad ways without even noticing it.
Responsibility is an important thing in today's modern society. Without being a responsible person, people cannot live in harmony with one another.

mparker said...

Responsibility is usually something hard to achieve perfectly and is a quality that is greatly admirable. When you act responsibly, people usually gain more trust in you, rather than someone responsible. They usually will also rely on you more. Whether or not you know what you are responsible of, you still will suffer the consequences of not doing what you are asked. If you are driving, and you get pulled over because you were speeding, you will get a ticket regardless if you knew the speed limit or not. In school, we are responsible for our school work, and our homework. If you do not live up to these responsibilities you will end up hurting yourself by the grades you will receive. The grade is your consequence to not doing your school responsibilities. You are responsible to realize that if you do something you’re not supposed to, there are most likely consequences. On a large scale, if you do something such as murder, you’re responsible to know that jail would be the consequence. Again, in school you are very responsible for being trusted with plagiarism. If you plagiaries, the consequences are very big even if you know you did it or not. You can become more responsible if you get yourself familiar with the rules of plagiarism, and this way you can avoid being accused of plagiarizing. Being responsible is something everyone should strive to be, which can be challenging. The best thing you can do is to know your responsibilities, this way you won’t have to suffer consequences of unknowingly doing unwanted actions.

Emma said...

Another thing we are responsible to know is a common morality and sense in our day-to-day lives. Teachers and parents expect us to know how to not be killing each other in the hallways and show a bit of respect. This goes for students in class - we are responsible for what we are told and to be respectful of our teachers. If administrators couldn't expect that much out of us, then there would be major problems in society and in people's behavior.
From what we are taught when we are young, we may not directly remember everything we are taught, but we must remember the main ideas that make up our common sense.

CConklin said...

Responsibility is a very important trait for anyone to acquire. With out it, it'd be very difficult to get through everyday things such as cleaing your room or remembering your homework. However, those aren't the only things we are responsible for. We are also held acountable for treating the people we are around with respect and loyalty. Also, as many of my fellow classmates have said, we are responsible for being trustworthy. All these things, loyalty, respect, trust, etc, all go hand-in-hand with eachother. When we are not responsible, then how can we be trusted? And when we are not loyal, then how are we supposed to gain respect from others. Responsibility is an admirable trait which everyone should work hard to have.

Celia said...

To be successful in the world a person must be responsible. Not only like plagiarism, as we discussed, but for homework and for your job in the future. When your an adult, you can't just say you didn't finish your work because you were watching tv. An employee like that will surely be fired. You have to develop responsibility to make sure you get all your work done and to take care of people around you. After you grow up, you also have to be responsible for you family and kids. You have to get them every where they need to be, feed them, and take care of their necessities. It is very important for a person to be responsible.

NJacobson said...

Responsibility is a very important thing in everyone's life whether they think it is or not. If you do not take responsibility right away, you think you find an easier way out of the situation by simply saying, "I didn't know." However this is not so simple. If you were absent for one day of school, and you had homework in a class, and you come into school without the homework the next day, you can not say, "I didn't know there was homework. I was sick." To take the topic to another level to show it all has a big impact not matter what the incident is if you were working at a jewelry store and you take a necklace out of a case and where it all day and take it home and before you know it, you think it is your own necklace. Your boss approaches you and says, "You stole that necklace out of our case." You can not say back to your boss, "I'm sorry, I had no idea I could not do that." We are responsible to know the rules whether we want to know them or not.

Kmichaluk said...

Responsibiliy is a huge aspect of life and of growing up. During childhood we didn't have much responsibility because we were too young to really understand what it was. And as we grow up we all gain more and more responsibility. We might have been asked to wash the dishes and do other chores around the house. Those are responsibilities that are asked of us, but there is another kind too. The responsibilities that are more difficult to understand are the ones that aren't directly asked of us. For example, without being told it's everyones responsibility to know the difference between right and wrong. If one person didn't like another person and they just went up to them and started hitting them in the face they wouldnt be able to use "nobody told me i couldn't" as an excuse because they should have known it was wrong.